This is a Warranty specifically offered by the original manufacturer (OEM) of the product. It means that the manufacturer will repair the product within a certain time period if there are any manufacturing or other defects found in it after the purchase. Buyers are requested to contact the manufacturer service center directly for the same.
All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable.
Here again, the seller offers to repair the product within a certain time period if there are any manufacturing or other defects found in it after the purchase. The timeframe of the warranty is clearly mentioned by the seller in the listing.
NB: If there are multiple components involved in the warranty (e.g. Hardware & Software) then the seller takes complete responsibility to repair the item, replace it or refund your money, even if one of the components is not working.
In certain cases, sellers will provide the products “As Is” i.e. No Warranty with all risk to be assumed by the buyer. The seller will not be held responsible for any problems or needed repairs after the sale. These will apply especially in categories like Clothing & Accessories, Mobile Accessories and supply coming in from Global Imports channel. Most of these listings will be in Non-Branded segment and the probability of reselling the product once returned is negligible/zero.